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Ethical Issues at Gaia House

Everyone who lives, works or practises at Gaia House is expected to follow the 5 ethical precepts.
Everyone who teaches at Gaia House is required to adhere to the Teacher Code of Ethics.

While ethical breaches in our community are fortunately rare, we recognise that they can occur. Gaia House has three roles who can deal with different kinds of concern or complaint. The Director is available to receive any concerns or complaints and is a first port of call for issues concerning staff. The Safeguarding Leads deal with concerns where vulnerable adults or children are involved, and the independent Ethical Ombudsperson is available to receive complaints if you feel more comfortable to approach someone outside the organisation. Each of these people will support complainants who report breaches of the ethical guidelines and oversee that their concerns are heard and dealt with appropriately.

The Director, Safeguarding Leads and Ethical Ombudsperson are available to receive ethical complaints or concerns of actions:

  1. By teachers in breach of the Teachers Code of Ethics;
  2. By staff, Trustees, Teachers, or others associated with Gaia House in breach of the 5 ethical guidelines.
  3. By anyone at Gaia House who has caused harm or endangers the safety or wellbeing of anyone at Gaia House or elsewhere, or otherwise gives rise to ethical or safeguarding concerns.

Complaints to the Director, Safeguarding Lead or Ethical Ombudsperson

If you have a concern about the behaviour of anyone at Gaia House, or anyone associated with Gaia House, and it does not feel appropriate to raise it with the person concerned, or you have done so and their response has not resolved your concern, you are invited to contact the Director, Safeguarding Lead or the Ethical Ombudsperson (when someone independent from Gaia House is preferable). 

 The Director is:

Anshin Devin Ashwood, employee of the Gaia House Trust responsible for all the charity’s operations.
Gaia House,      West Ogwell
Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 6EW
Email: director@gaiahouse.co.uk

The Safeguarding Leads are:

A staff member employed by the Gaia House Trust, and a Trustee board member (non-executive director) of the Gaia House Trust both of whom have been trained as Safeguarding Leads.

Laura Ruiz (Staff)                                                     Hannah Higginson (Trustee)
Tel: 01626 333613                                                     Email: hannahhigginson@googlemail.com
Email:   retreatmanager@gaiahouse.co.uk        

The Ethical Ombudsperson is:
Our Ethical Ombudsperson is an independent person who is supportive of the work of Gaia House and responsible to the Gaia House Trust, but is not a member of the trust, teacher council or staff.

Peter Gingold (Independent supporter of the charity)
51 Hyde Vale, London
SE10 8QQ                        Tel: 0208 692 9677     Email:  peter@gingold.com

Reviewed Nov2023