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Making your donations go further with Gift Aid


Gift Aid is a scheme from HM Revenue & Customs that allows us to reclaim an extra 25% on your donations, with no extra cost to you. This means that for every £1 you donate to Gaia House, the charity receives an extra 25p.

Who is eligible?

You need to have paid an amount of tax (on income, capital gains and/or savings) at least equal to the tax that all charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs will reclaim in the tax year of your donation.

If you are unsure whether you can Gift Aid your donation, please click here to read the UK Government guidelines.

(The Gift Aid scheme does not apply to donations made to individuals, such as teachers or coordinators.)

How can I Gift Aid my donations?

All we need from you is a single Gift Aid declaration.

To make your declaration, please tick the box below and complete the form.